Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Follow Me on Google is being annoying

As you may or may not know, but Google is getting rid of Google Friend Connect on March 1st so this means all the readers I've gained in the last few months won't be able to read the blog anymore (I think).
EDIT: Ok just found out it doesn't affect blogger, only non-google pages, phew! But still follow me on bloglovin', sometimes my reading list doesn't update! 
I've decided it's about time to jump on the Bloglovin' bandwagon, so please click on the icon to the right of this post and follow me via there!! 

Is it just me or is anyone else getting a bit sick of Google and Facebook and other internet companies chopping and changing things that are working perfectly FINE?! I just don't understand it!! Hmph anyway...see ya'll on Bloglovin'!! 

Love, Emma xo


  1. Following you Hun now via Bloglovin!!! :) x

    I think the problem might be my reading list as I recently noticed it also never seems to update Muhsine's posts and a few other blogs that I love! So annoying :( I think I will rely on bloglovin now.

  2. your newest follower on Bloglovin !


    p.s. thanks for your comment on my blog!


Thank you for reading my post and it'd make my day if you commented too!! X